NSW Motion of Parliament - 2020


The Hon. BEN FRANKLIN (10:04:30): On behalf of the Hon. Natalie Ward: I move:

(1) That this House notes:

(a)on 16 August 2020 Australian swimmer Chloe McCardel crossed the English Channel for the thirty-fifth time, surpassing the men's record for the most crossings;

(b)Ms McCardel completed the 35 kilometre swim in 10 hours and 40 minutes;

(c)Ms McCardel completed this crossing to raise awareness for victim survivors of domestic and family violence;

(d)only one person, another woman, Ms Alison Streeter, has crossed the English Channel more times; and

(e)Ms McCardel was born and raised in Melbourne but is now a proud Sydneysider.

(2) That this House congratulates Ms McCardel on this amazing feat and encourages her to continue breaking world records.

Motion agreed to.